SQL - SUM Function

The SUM() function is an aggregate function that is used to find the sum (addition) of the given column or an expression. It can be applied on the numeric values or numeric columns only.


SELECT SUM(column_name)
FROM table_name
[WHERE condition];

For the demo purpose, we will use the following Employeetable in all examples.

EmpId FirstName LastName Email Salary DeptId
1 John King '[email protected]' 24000 10
2 James Bond 17000 20
3 Neena Kochhar '[email protected]' 15000 20
4 Lex De Haan '[email protected]' 9000 30
5 Amit Patel 60000 30
6 Abdul Kalam '[email protected]' 4800 40

The following query calculates the total salary of all the employees.

SQL Script: SUM()
SELECT SUM(Salary) AS "Total Salary" FROM Employees;
Total Salary

You can also calculate the total salary of each department using the following query:

SQL Script: SUM()
SELECT DeptId, SUM(Salary) AS "Department wise Total Salary" FROM Employee 
Employee Table
DeptId Department wise Total Salary
10 24000
20 32000
30 69000
40 4800